How to get the most out of a Nature's MACE product?

Before purchasing, be sure to choose the best fit repellent for your sized area and needs. The more repellent applied frequently leads to better results. Completely read and follow all directions for initial application and follow-up applications.

Some of our repellents also act as training aids and may require multiple applications to see results. Some animals are more difficult to repel than others, so you must train them to stay away over a brief period. You may not see instantaneous results with some of our products. If it is still not working, you can double up on the application for heavier than normal pest infestations.

Re-apply after periods of inclement weather which may decrease product longevity. Decide where to apply and apply directly to the area and its surrounding areas. For liquids allow proper drying time. Once applied, our repellents will become less effective over time; therefore, you must reapply for continuous results.

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