Tips and Instructions for Cat MACE
- Cats are territorial and are frequently attracted to another animal’s scent. They communicate by smell and mark their territory in several ways.
- Cats are habitual and get accustomed to “going” in the same area, especially if it is within what they feel is their territory. You may see the cat going to the area the MACE has been laid down in. This is normal as they are trying to cover our scent with their own to reestablish their territory. Over time they will realize our scent cannot be covered and their habits will change
- Clean your outdoor grill or gathering area after use to minimize odors
- Seal off any areas where cats can find shelter.
- Remove any fecal matter (wearing gloves) that may remain prior to using our product.
- To increase the odds of cat’s not returning you should clean up, deodorize, and disinfect any areas cats are marking
- You should use an Enzyme Cleaner to further eliminate any scents prior to using our product
- Our repellent operates as a training tool and may take time as well as repeated applications to work. You may not see results immediately upon contact, though it can instantly deter. It took time for the habit to develop it takes time to discourage it
- Please apply according to directions and have patience as every cat and situation is unique. It should be applied repeatedly and strategically until the cat forms a negative reaction to the repellent or changes the undesired behavior
- Have alternative areas, scratch posts, or toys that the cat can scratch or roam in. Cats naturally love to scratch and chew, and the idea is to turn a negative habit into a positive one, by designating the right area for the behavior
- If you are dealing with stray cats, please kindly ask neighbors to stop feeding them if any are doing so. Starving cats are very determined and this may reduce the effectiveness of our product.
- If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle head under warm running water for 5 minutes until the sprayer resumes normal function
- If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.
Cat MACE Granular:
- Apply by spreading granular over the area to be protected in a 2-foot-wide strip. For initial application apply heavily and evenly in and around areas you wish to protect. You should apply early when you first notice cat activity. If the cat claims the area as its own more can be attracted.
- Reapply as needed or until cats are trained to stay clear of the protected areas. Reapply every 3 to 4 weeks for maintenance. For large areas or areas where cats heavily frequent increase the barrier to 30” wide.
- Reapply after heavy rainfall or snowfall. For heavy snowfall please break the crust of snow prior to applying product
- Please keep bag sealed for freshness and store in a cool dry area. Do not allow to freeze.
Cat MACE Ready-to-Use Spray:
- Shake well prior to each use. Apply daily for the first 7-10 days. Your initial application should be frequent and heavy to discourage bad behaviors and encourage new habits.
- . Repeat application as necessary or on a semi-weekly basis thereafter as the animal’s behavior changes. Apply liberally to areas where stray cats defecate, rummage, loiter, claw, etc.
- If you are looking for better control of the strength and application frequency for outdoor use our Liquid Concentrate is a good alternative!
- This is not to be used as a perimeter application.
- Reapply after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall
- Store in a cool, dry place, and do not allow to freeze.
Cat MACE Liquid Concentrate:
- Mix 8 ounces of product with 1 gallon of water and follow instructions under theReady-to-Use Spray!