Rodent Mace

Tips and Instructions for Rodent MACE

  • Rodent Mace can be sprayed on old towels, paper towels, hard sponges, and other absorbent materials to help prolong the scent! If you use baits, place the food (bait) away from the area the Rodent MACE is applied. A starving mice may smell the food and bypass the repellent.
  • Patience is key! Allow time for the repellent to work if your issue is severe apply Rodent MACE more heavily
  • Our concentrated repellents cover more area and allow better control of the strength and application frequency.
  • On average the more product you use, the greater the coverage and results
  • If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle head under warm running water for 5 minutes until the sprayer resumes normal function.
  • If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.

Rodent MACE Granular:

  1. After each use close container tightly to ensure freshness. Seek out entry points, runways, and nests.
  2. . For your first application apply Rodent MACE Granular heavily and directly to areas rodents may enter, feed, or hide. Reapply weekly, or as product’s scent fades to maintain control. After control is established apply monthly for preventative measures.
  3. Reapply product after heavy or frequent rainfall.
  4. If you are trying to protect a specific item such as a trashcan or entryway use a perimeter application by creating a 1-3 inch wide band around the area/thing to be protected.

Rodent MACE Ready-to-Use Spray:

  1. Shake well prior to each use. Apply daily for the first 7 days. Spray liberally around areas rodents may enter, feed, or hide. Seek out entry points, runways, and nests. Repeat spraying in 7 days and every month thereafter for maintenance.
  2. For vehicle protection including but not limited to cars, trucks, tractors, boats, motor homes, etc. spray onto engine compartments, wheel wells, wirings, and anywhere else you can safely reach. Spray around the outside of the vehicle to establish a perimeter. We do not recommend spraying on vehicle directly as it may not be compatible with paint.
  3. When using for automotive use, check the engine compartments and remove any nesting’s before applying. Use an air compressor to remove any food or clutter. If there are signs of rodents, thoroughly wash the area with soap and water to prevent them from returning

Rodent MACE Liquid Concentrate:

  1. Mix approximately 12 to 15 ounces of concentrate with 1 gallon of water and follow instructions under the Ready-to-Use Spray.

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