Snake Mace

Tips and Instructions for Snake MACE

  • Keep your landscape as clean as possible by removing any rock or wood piles. Cover firewood piles with a tarp sealed to the ground.
  • Snakes like to hide so remove any leaf piles, compost piles, mulch piles, and overgrown bushes or brush
  • Limit or remove any moisture on your property, including small ponds, bird baths, rain barrels, puddles, pool cover moisture, and more.
  • In summer months snakes eat rodents and hide in hard to find, cold and damp areas, to cool down.
  • Fill in any live or abandoned animal burrows that snakes can find shelter in. Trim overhanging tree branches. Some species of snakes are more willing to climb and may drop down on your home or yard.
  • Keep grass short, you can more easily spot and repel snakes, and they will avoid the area for fear of predators.
  • Every snake species behaves differently, they also hide and behave differently in winter and summer months.
  • Do your best to remove or repel any potential food sources. Snakes love to eat frogs, mice, rats, moles, voles, slugs, snails, grasshoppers, insects, small farm animals, eggs, fish, and more.
  • Remove any excess trash and limit feeding pets outside. Bird feeders also attract rodents such as chipmunks and mice so consider relocating or removing them.
  • Protect your home by sealing in any possible entry points. Use sealant, caulk, or
    expandable foam to fill any cracks, holes, or crevices.
  •  Keep any barns, sheds, or garages sealed tight and tidy inside so snakes are less likely to come in and hide.
  • If a snake does manage to get in your home you may have a mouse, remove the mice, seal all entry points, and repel the mice from returning. Replace any damaged piping, gutters, ventilation ducts, etc. Routinely check crawl spaces and vents leading outside.
  • If you are dealing with a poisonous snake, for your safety it may be better to contact animal control or a pest removal company in order to avoid being bitten

Snake MACE Granular:

  1. After every use tightly seal Snake MACE to ensure freshness. For your first application you should apply the Snake MACE heavily and evenly over yards, gardens, lawns, trees, shrubs, sheds, barns, flower beds, and areas where snakes may be present. Apply directly on and around areas. Apply every 2 weeks to maintain control.
  2. In areas where snake activity may be more heavy or intense, additional, and more liberal applications may be necessary. This will eventually train snakes to avoid and stay clear of treated areas. Effectiveness will last approximately 7 days and will continue to work if the repellent is present. Repeat applications as necessary.
  3. If you are trying to protect a specific area, create a light and even 2-4-foot-wide band around area(s). This may not repel on direct contact with snakes. Be patient as it may take a full day or two for snakes to be discouraged by the repellent applied areas.
  4. Please use precautions on label when applying. Do not apply during heavy wind. Reapply after frequent or heavy rainfall. This product is not recommended for indoor use.
  5. Do not expose to flame. Store in a cool, dry place, and do not let freeze.

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