Mole and Vole Mace

Tips and Instructions for Mole & Vole MACE

  • No rotation of products is needed!
  • The Mole & Vole MACE can be used on the base of plants and as a bulb dip protection for newly planted flowers and shrubs.
  • The Mole & Vole MACE can be used for all year-round protection!
  • If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle head under warm running water for 5 minutes until the sprayer resumes normal function.
  • If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.

Mole & Vole MACE Granular:

  1. Our Mole & Vole MACE should be sealed tightly after each use to ensure freshness
  2. For the best results apply in early spring, summer, and fall when activity tends to be the highest. We recommend applying in the beginning of each season to deter moles/voles before tunneling begins
  3. Apply 1lb of product per 800 square feet. Granular can be applied directly from the container or by using a broadcast/drop spreader. If the spreading seems uneven add some dry dirt or sand with the Granular!
  4. Day 1: For first application locate the mole areas and runways to determine which way to push them out of your yard. Spread the granules over the area not yet invaded by moles. Lightly water in the granules for approximately 10-15 minutes after application.
  5. Day 2: Spread granules over the areas that have been invaded by moles and towards the boundary of the lawn where you want them to exit the property. Lightly water the granules for approximately 10-15 minutes. Locate mole runways and punch a 1” hole every 8 feet and apply 2-4 tablespoons into each hole and cover with soil.
  6. Day 12: Reapply Mole & Vole MACE over entire affected area. Lightly water in the granules for approximately 10-15 minutes after application. Depending on severity reapply as needed.
  7. Reapply every 2-3 months for maintenance or when new dirt mounds are found.
  8. Reapply after heavy or prolonged rainfall. If you do not see reduced activity within 1 week, be more persistent with applications and allow 1 additional week.

Mole & Vole Liquid Concentrate:

  1. Combine ½ cup of castor oil with ½ cup of dish soap. Mix 4-6 tablespoons of the mixture with 1 gallon of water. You may also add 1 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper or Garlic Powder as Moles and Voles do not like the scent of either. Pour your mixture into your yard sprayer. Shake well prior to each use.
  2. Day 1: For first application locate the mole areas and runways to determine which way to push them out of your yard. Next, protect the areas not yet invaded by moles. Spray the liquid over the areas not yet invaded or lightly invaded.
  3. Day 2: Spray liquid over the area already invaded by moles and towards the boundary you want them to exit.
  4. Day 12: Reapply the liquid mixture over entire affected area. With each application fully saturate the areas then lightly soak with water for 10 minutes.
  5. . Depending on how severe your issue is make the mixture stronger and reapply as needed. If you do not see reduced activity within one week, be more persistent with application and wait one additional week. Reapply after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall.

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