Tips and Instructions for Skeeter MACE
- One of the most effective things you can do to prevent mosquitoes, is to remove any stagnant water. Until they become adult’s mosquito larvae are born and survive in standing water.
- Pay attention to birdbaths, clogged rain gutters, tarps, pool covers, water buckets, pet water bowls, gardening pots, old car tires, decorative lawn ornaments, and natural lawn areas with excess water.
- Mosquitos enjoy shaded areas that are near grassy or bushy spaces. Ensure you cut back trees, pick up downed leaves and debris, mow your lawn frequently, and remove any excess foliage. This allows increased sunlight which helps evaporate excess moisture and limit problem areas. Also, cleanup around your homes foundation and areas you gather.
- For outside patio or gathering areas, if possible, consider installing an overhead or stationary fan. This makes it more difficult for mosquitoes to target you as the fan disburses carbon dioxide humans emit. The circulating fan also makes it harder for mosquitoes to fly in to bite you as they have fragile wings and can easily be pushed off course by wind.
- Skeeter MACE can be applied to pool areas, decks, boats, docks, patios, campers, campsites, tents, dog kennels, gardens, lawns, shrubs and trees, landscapes, golf courses, parks, or outdoor sitting areas, children, and pet play areas, and anywhere else you notice bug activity. It is used in both commercial and residential applications.
- If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle. If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.
Skeeter MACE Ready-to-Use Spray:
- Shake well before and during each use. For the initial treatment, apply liberally and evenly to any outdoor area’s bugs are present in. Apply more frequently to break the egg cycle. Target mosquito larvae by applying to low-level vegetation and areas with water
- Spray again in 5-10 days, or as needed, to establish control.
- Reapply every 30-40 days for maintenance.
- If there is heavy or prolonged rainfall also reapply.
- Skeeter MACE can be applied directly on plants to kill insects. Apply directly to plant foliage, including the underside of leaves. Apply as needed or every 1-2 weeks.
- You can also apply directly to soil to use as a soil drench. This product is effective against ground insects and preventing dirt mounds
- Skeeter MACE can be used in almost any misting or watering system, fogger, or application sprayer
- For commercial use and mixing systems, apply at the normal 32:1 ratio or 0.80 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet. Skeeter MACE is highly concentrated and must be properly diluted to avoid damage to plants.
Skeeter MACE Liquid Concentrate:
- For the Liquid Concentrate mix 8 ounces of product with 1 gallon of water then
follow the instructions under our Ready-to-Use Spray! - For commercial use and mixing systems, apply at the normal 32:1 ratio or 0.80 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet. Skeeter MACE is highly concentrated and must be properly diluted to avoid damage to plants.