Squirrel Mace

Tips and Instructions for Squirrel MACE
  • If you are dealing with ground squirrels (squirrels who dig) our Rodent MACE would be best, as it contains bitters that the Squirrel does not like and will produce better results.
  • Remove all food sources! If anyone around you is feeding the squirrels, kindly ask them to stop. A starving squirrel may bypass the repellent to obtain food (including bird seed).
  • This repellent can be used to protect bird feeders, but do not expect 10/10 results as the bird seed especially depending on brand has a strong smell that can overpower even our MACE. If you do not see expected results, please attempt to switch bird seed.
  • For patio furniture protection, consider spraying a sponge, towel, or paper towels with the repellent and placing it behind each seat cushion. Always do a small patch test to ensure our product is compatible with your furniture material.
  • To further repel squirrels from your bird feeder, consider adding food grade chili powder, capsaicin, or cayenne/habanero pepper to the bird seed. Birds are not capable of sensing the spice, but mammals are. You can do this yourself but please follow proper precautions and wear gloves to protect your skin. You can also potentially use traps to relocate the squirrels.
  • The Rodent MACE is a better alternative when looking to protect flower beds or flowerpots. For this type of protection, the Rodent MACE works better than the liquid.
  • Apply more heavily depending on the severity of the issue. For larger areas and areas where squirrels are more persistent, we recommend our concentrated formula. The concentrated repellent works to cover more area and allows you better control of the strength and application frequency. On average the more product you use and the greater the coverage, the better the results. It may take time and repeated applications to work. Have patience and stay consistent with applications and you will see results.
  • If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle head under warm running water for 5 minutes until the sprayer resumes normal function. If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.

Squirrel MACE Ready-to-Use Spray:

  1. Shake well prior to every use. Apply daily for the first 7 days. Squirrel’s habits are difficult to break so initial applications should be frequent and heavy. Spray generously around and directly on areas squirrels are chewing or frequenting. To break a pattern of habitual behavior, the repellent may need to be applied more frequently. As squirrel’s behavior changes application frequency may be reduced. Reapply weekly and repeat applications as necessary for maintenance.
  2. Squirrel MACE also works as a flower bulb protection spray. Cover the bulbs in a mild coating of repellent and let it sit 15 minutes. Let it dry and then replant.
  3. . Reapply after heavy or frequent rainfall. Prior to spraying any objects such as outdoor furniture, painted surfaces or decking, always test a small area for staining acceptability. Do not apply directly on ornamental, soft-bodied plants, and some plants also may be too delicate for the spray. Instead spray the flowerpot or surrounding soil. Avoid heavy spraying on plants or grass.

Squirrel MACE Liquid Concentrate:

  1. Mix 8 ounces of concentrate with 1 gallon of water. Follow the directions under the Ready-to-Use Spray!

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