Rabbit Mace

Tips and Instructions for Rabbit MACE

  • Rabbit MACE works best at repelling unwanted rabbits from landscapes, gardens, and crops. Our repellents use exceptionally more of the most effective active ingredients allow it to work longer and stronger.
  • Rabbits naturally avoid our fear, scent, and taste-based technology which helps trigger their natural flight response
  • No product rotation is required!
  • Our Rabbit MACE liquids are best for higher areas such as trees and shrubs and our Rabbit MACE granular is best for low laying areas and as a perimeter application. For the most effectiveness considers using both products together.
  • If your sprayer clogs: Always shake Nature’s MACE liquid products for a full 60 seconds prior to using to ensure the ingredients thoroughly mix. To prevent clogging, remove the spray head and rinse after each use. In a case where the nozzle clogs, submerge the bottle under warm water for 15 minutes, or hold the spray nozzle head under warm running water for 5 minutes until the sprayer resumes normal function. If it still does not work, try removing the filter located at the bottom of the spray nozzle. If after doing this your product still is not spraying, please contact us as you may have a defective nozzle, or it may still be clogged. We will happily send you a replacement and apologize for any inconvenience it causes.

Rabbit MACE Ready-to-Use Spray:

  1. No mixing is required with our Ready-to-Use Spray, please shake bottle vigorously prior to each use. This bottle will cover approximately 1,400 square feet
  2. Apply liberally to plants and their perimeter during dry periods. Saturate soil and surrounding areas. Avoid spraying when plants are wet with dew.
  3. Repeat process once a week for 3 weeks. Apply approximately once per month thereafter for maximum coverage. This trains rabbits to avoid treated areas.
  4. Allow 20-30 minutes for product to dry prior to watering.
  5. At first the product will have a slight odor but will dry odor free
  6. Store in a cool dry place and do not allow to freeze.

Rabbit MACE Granular:

  1. . To keep contents fresh, be sure to close container tightly after each use. For your first application apply the Rabbit MACE Granular heavily and evenly 18’ away from flower beds, landscaped ornamentals, gardens, ground cover, and edibles in danger of animal browsing.
  2. Apply a 24” (2 foot) wide barrier around plant groups. For heavier activity increase to 30” wide. This will eventually train animals to stay clear of your gardened and landscaped areas. For larger areas apply the 24” or 30” protective barrier and then 15” wide strips inside the protective zone every 15 feet.
  3. Reapply after heavy or prolonged rainfall and snowfall. If reapplying after snowfall, break the crust of the snow prior to laying product down. The granular can last up to 3-4 months in spring and 6 months in winter under fresh snow.

Rabbit MACE Liquid Concentrate:

  1. Mixing is required prior to use, mix 8 ounces of product with 1 gallon of water. Follow same instructions as Ready-to-Use Spray after mixing.

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